I’m so excited to have my article Melody of Money published in 11:11 Magazine.
Click on the image to read this fabulous issue and my article.
I am honored to be participating in 11:11 Media’s global inspired action movement to expand and empower!
After stewarding 11:11 Magazine & 11:11 Talk Radio as an award winning resource for inspiring consciousness and raising the frequency of minds and hearts around the globe, Simran Singh is now creating a powerful, integrative and collective experience of celebrating unique genius and the tapestry of oneness.
Simran’s greatest intention is to expand minds, open hearts and awaken the mystical experience within, while also showcasing many beautiful protocols, people and experiences. If you’re ready for leading edge, progressive insights to support you on your journey of conscious evolution and spiritual expansion, this is it! Receive a Free Gift from her by clicking here:
Please join us in creating a global focus of intention, prayer, forgiveness and expansion! Together, we intend on supporting you in claiming the inner wealth, outer freedom and optimal expression of your human and soul essence experience.
All you have to do is go to: RIGHT HERE!
Tags: 11:11 Magazine, abundance, Abundance for Lightworkers, Free gift, IAMSimran, Money