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I am a vegan

Jennifer Ruth Russell

This Autumn Equinox I’m celebrating my 4th Anniversary as a vegan. Here’s my story

In 2003 I was working as Rickie Byars Beckwith’s assistant at Agape International Spiritual Center. Hanging out with her and Rev. Michael I noticed that they fasted and cleansed every season. I joined them and I fell in love with the whole process of fasting and prayer. It began to be a ritual for me and I continued to cleanse on my own.

I didn’t realize how much I was longing to come into community with this ritual until I met Daryl Glinn-Tanner.

The day I walked into Daryl’s hair salon and introduced myself, I knew that we were going to be good friends.

As I was enjoying the benefits of her genius with hair, I found out that Daryl had been cleansing for years. I asked her to partner with me in leading 5 Day Seasonal Cleanses. She said “Yes.” Hallelujah!

This Autumn Equinox will be our 5th Anniversary. We’ve done almost 20 cleanses together. We missed one cleanse when I was traveling in the Ukraine.

During the fourth day of the cleanse, is when we are ready for a deep inquiry into what Spirit is calling for us in the next season. We get in touch with our sacred vows and what are we ready for now.

Four years ago what happened to me on the 4th day was life changing. I saw a big broom, sweeping back and forth on this brick path. I heard that it was time to purge and clear out all the old stuff. Old printers in the garage, stagnated relationships, and free up my space. Then I heard to stop eating flesh for my spiritual growth.

You know that guidance within us is impeccable and when I hear something that clearly I always go with it. As a Practitioner, my spiritual growth is the utmost importance to me.

I immediately got the little book, Ultimate Vegan Guide by Erik Marcus. It was so helpful. He said the secret to success is to try a new vegan dish every week. I still try to do that. And if there was something that was hard for you to let go of, like cheese pizza… he advised to have it once a month, enjoy it, and wean yourself slowly from it.

I have a green drink with pea protein once a day that keeps me full of energy and vitality.

I have changed. I began for spiritual reasons. I am more sensitive to negativity and especially to the cruelty of animals. About 6 months after I began. I was driving on the freeway and saw a truck load of cattle being shipped for slaughter. I started crying and praying for those cows. My heart just broke open.

Now I am a vegan for spiritual and planetary reasons. It is my individual stand for my ascension, for the ascension and health of our planet, and our animals and their rights.

Moby describes this really well in this video.

I believe we are all on the path toward becoming vegan. It’s just a matter of time.

What anyone else eats is none of my business. My husband and my son are meat eaters. I have no judgment about that.

I hope that you will join us for our 5th Anniversary of Seasonal Cleanses. Of course now the Angels have joined us in helping us renew our bodies, minds and spirits

The 5 Day Autumn Equinox Cleanse begins Sunday, September 18, 2016.

The early bird special ends on 9/11. If you bring a friend along it is a super sweet value.

Tags: Agape International Spiritual Center, Archangels, Autumn Equinox Cleanse, detox, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Vegan

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