My debt story!
In my last video (Lady Hope and Your Debt) we were calling on Lady Hope, the Archaii of the Ascension Ray to help us go beyond the appearance of debt for ourselves and for all humanity.
We are calling on assistance to help us release all guilt and shame and to take dominion in this area of our lives.
I know this is not a popular topic, but I have to tell you that after talking and mentoring hundreds of lightworkers this is our biggest pain, our greatest shame.
And as I said, it’s keeping us from visioning and creating the new earth, which is our job right now.
I want to share my debt story with you today, but before we do that I want to pray for this area of our lives.
Watch the video (10 min) to receive this prayer and to hear my debt story.
My debt story.
I’ve had my own business for over 16 years as a musician and a spiritual mentor.
I was addicted to lack. I didn’t know it at the time. I was always focused on the lack in my life and how to get the next fix of money.
If I didn’t have the money when I needed it, I would do almost anything, except steal to get it.
I would borrow the money from friends and family. That brought a lot of strain and stress into my relationships. I lost friends, precious friends. And I would also borrow from credit card companies.
But when I got the money, from wherever … I felt that release, like a drug addict that had gotten a fix.
But when you’re living in lack (which is a state of mind) the money is never enough. .. never!
Then the cycle would repeat itself.
When I made the BIG decision in my life to take back my power around money and put my Beloved I AM Presence in charge of my financial life, I had to look at my debt. I had to make amends with myself and with others.
This is the same time I started opening up to the Angelic Realm for assistance. Thank God, I was able to go into this dark area of my life and forgive and release.
The first thing I did was get rid of my credit cards. Since I am always SOURCED and supplied I decided to take that literally, if I don’t have the money on hand … then the timing isn’t right or something’s off. And if it was a part of my divine plan the money would be provided for; which has been demonstrated to me over and over again.
One debt at a time, I began to take responsibility. I realized that I was intimately connected and indebted, to each person and to each company that I had debt with.
This wasn’t comfortable but it was incredibly freeing.
I had incurred a lot of debt to my Beloved Mother. She had loaned me money many times, it hadn’t been easy for her and I was determined to make this right.
She made her transition before I had completed my repayments. After her death when my siblings and I got together to have the ‘money talk.” I made it clear to them what my debt was and that I would be grateful if it was dissolved into my portion of the inheritance. Believe me, my Mom was a missionary and didn’t have a lot of money.
I was in complete surrender about this. I was asked to leave the room so they could discuss it freely. When I was asked back into the circle, they told me that I was forgiven this debt completely. And that I would be receiving the same amount everyone else was.
Oh my Godness, it was complete GRACE.
I can’t describe to you the karma, the shame, the guilt, the old crap that was released in that instance.
That has happened over and over to me in completely different situations. When I look at my debt and deal with it in complete surrender and from my Higher Self it is doable and miraculously it actually dissolves.
You can’t do this from your lower self or maybe better said from your caterpillar self. In fact you can’t really know abundance from your human self. You have to step into your Butterfly, your ascended state of consciousness.
This is where the Angels can be so helpful.
And once again I want to invite you to call on Lady Hope.
If you are looking at your debt, through the lens of shame and hopelessness and the old financial structure of this world, that is dissolving. You can’t do this.
I’m going to challenge you to look at your debt from your Butterfly Self. From beyond your current state, beyond the appearances that feel so real.
Keep getting to know Lady Hope the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection and ask her to help you take care of this.
The Resurrection Flame brings us back to the Divine Perfection of our life, our Divine Blueprint.
Everything in your life and mine must be balanced.
So I urge you to take baby steps this week in stepping into your divine authority in your debt life. You are the only one in your life that can do this. And you have everything you need to do it.
Do it for your own spiritual growth and for your own ascension into your butterfly self.
So what baby step can you take today to take back your power around your debt? Tell me in a comment below.
Don’t forget you are powerful and you are precious. You are here to know complete FREEDOM.