“I am here for a high holy purpose.
I am here for joy.”
~ Jennifer Ruth Russell, Faith Walks In, One with the One CD.

Jennifer is an award winning songwriter. Songs have always poured out of her heart. She loves to take people into the stillness of the soul and the playfulness of the Light. She has written and recorded eleven CDs, including her award winning Virtues Songs A-Z for children, re-released as Angel Songs for the Little Ones.
Jennifer’s life vision is to uplift and empower and transform the world with songs and prayers that open the heart. When you are in her presence you will feel the deep connection of the Angels.
All the songs offered here were written by Jennifer. Some of them were written with her teachers and friends like Rumi, Ernest Holmes, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, David Matthew Brown, Michael Gayle and Rev. Maggie Buck.
There is one exception; My Soul Sings Out to You was written by her dear friend and colleague, Susan J Paul. She feels that Susan gave her this heart opening chant to carry on as she moved on to greater realms in 2010.
All her music has been recorded and produced by her favorite guitar player and husband, Michael Gayle.
I’ve experienced the healing power found within these simple spiritual songs, and it’s my dream to share them with you.
If you have a resentment that you just can’t let go of or you just need to be reminded that you are loved and innocent. There’s a song here for you.
Maybe you’re a parent or grandparent and your looking for some support in instilling high standards in your kids without being preachy. My award winning children songs do just that and they help build self-esteem.
The instrumentals that Michael and I have created on ‘be’ and the Ho’oponopono Prayer Chant are perfect for meditation. They help the whole household wind down at the end of a busy day.
Thank you for completing my circle of creativity.
Click Here to Listen

Jennifer's dedicated to using the universal language of music as a powerful teaching tool for the spiritual development of our children.
She received The Parents Choice Award and The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval for composing The Virtue Songs A – Z, a compilation of 52 original compositions that are the musical companion to “The Family Virtues Guide.” The Virtues Songs A-Z have been re-released as The Angel Songs for the Little Ones.
You can listen and purchase any of her award-winning children's music below.
Songs that bring out the best in our children and ourselves.
Let these award-winning songs create a culture of caring and integrity in your home, your school and in your community.
One of the easiest ways for a child to learn is through a song. Songs for children, that are easy to sing, help bring the left and right hemispheres of the brain together which gives us a ‘happy’ brain that is ready to learn.
Listen to the Character Building Songs for Elementary classrooms and assemblies, HERE!
Expanded Lightbody Meditations just released
FEBRUARY 19, 2015

Meet Jennifer!
She's currently working on her 7th book with Mother Mary.
'I Love God', is her newest song and she can't wait to record it for you.